Geographical authority and bodily entanglement in Lucian's True Histories

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter examines Lucian’s manipulation of images of geographical authority in his True Histories, with particular reference to his representation of human and other bodies immersed in their environments. It look first at the tension between detached geographical observation and images of bodily immersion or entanglement with particular landscapes both in imperial Greek literature more broadly, and also in Lucian’s work, where that theme has a particular prominence. That point is illustrated first through discussion of Lucian’s On the Syrian Goddess, which returns repeatedly to images that challenge the idea of a clear dividing line between bodies and their environments, and also between observer and participant status. The second half of the chapter then traces the contrast between detached observation and corporeal immersion through the True Histories, especially in the scenes in the stomach of the whale, from 1.30–2.20, arguing that Lucian in this text undercuts notions of detached geographical authority in ways that are closely related to his comical undermining of various other kinds of intellectual and social pretension in his other works.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Cambridge companion to Lucian
EditorsSimon Goldhill
Place of PublicationCambridge
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages23
ISBN (Electronic)9781009170406
ISBN (Print)9781009170383, 9781009170390
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2024

Publication series

NameCambridge companions to literature


  • Geography
  • Authority
  • Landscape
  • Immersion
  • Bodies


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