title = "Geochemical, isotopic, and geochronlologic constraints on the formation of the Eagle Point basement-hosted uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada and recent remobilization of primary uraninite in secondary structures",
abstract = "The Athabasca Basin hosts many world-class unconformity-related uranium deposits. Recently, uranium reserves for the Eagle Point basement-hosted deposit have increased with the discovery of new mineralized zones within secondary structures. A paragenetic study of Eagle Point reveals the presence of three temporally distinct alteration stages: a pre-Athabasca alteration, a main alteration and mineralization comprised of three substages, and a post-main alteration and mineralization stage that culminated in remobilization of uraninite from primary to secondary structures. The pre-Athabasca alteration stage consists of minor amounts of clinochlore, followed by dolomite and calcite alteration in the hanging wall of major fault zones and kaolinitization of plagioclase and K- feldspar caused by surface weathering. The main alteration and uranium mineralization stage is related to three temporally distinct substages, all of which were produced by isotopically similar fluids. A major early alteration substage characterized by muscovite alteration and by precipitation Ca–Sr–LREE-rich aluminum phosphate- sulfate minerals, both from basinal fluids at temperatures around 240°C prior to 1,600 Ma. The mineralization substage involved uraninite and hematite precipitated in primary structures. The late alteration substage consists of dravite, uranophane-beta veins, calcite veins, and sudoite alteration from Mg–Ca-rich chemically modified basinal fluids with temperatures around 180°C. The post-main alteration and mineralization stage is characterized by remobilization of main stage uraninite from primary to secondary structures at a minimum age of ca. 535 Ma. U– Pb resetting events recorded on primary and remobilized uraninites are coincident with fluid flow induced by distal orogenies, remobilizing radiogenic Pb to a distance of at least 225 m above the mineralized zones.",
keywords = "unconformity-related uranium deposit, Eagle Point, Athabasca Basin, U-Pb, basement",
author = "Jonathan Cloutier and Kyser, {Kurt T.} and Olivo, {Gema R.} and Dan Brisbin",
year = "2011",
month = jan,
doi = "10.1007/s00126-010-0308-5",
language = "English",
volume = "46",
pages = "35",
journal = "Mineralium Deposita",
issn = "0026-4598",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
number = "1",