Gender and the book trades

Elise Watson (Editor), Jessica Farrell-Jobst (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This volume proposes a new and radically inclusive approach to the study of the book by using gender as a tool of analysis. While female authors and women in the book trades have long been studied, gender itself has yet to be explored as a methodology rather than a subject in book history. We argue that putting gender analysis into practice requires thinking inclusively about both the book world and the interactions of its participants from the beginning. With twenty-five pioneering case studies that stretch from colonial Peru to modern Delhi, using a variety of intersectional methodologies including network analysis, critical bibliography, and queer theory, Gender and the Book Trades sets out an innovative method of analysing the printed book.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLeiden
ISBN (Electronic)9789004701656
ISBN (Print)9789004701649
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024

Publication series

NameLibrary of the written word
ISSN (Electronic)1874-4834


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