Further images of alpha Persei G dwarfs

JR Barnes, Andrew Collier Cameron, DJ James, D Steeghs

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We present two images of intermediate and low axial inclination G dwarfs (AP 149 and AP 193) in the young open cluster a Persei, and compare these with previous images of intermediate and high axial inclination objects in this cluster. All stars show starspots at high latitudes, with one star exhibiting a strong polar spot. Although low-latitude features are found on all stars to some degree, the detection of spots on AP 193 is marginal. The apparent difference in starspot morphology from one object to the next is probably the result of a stellar magnetic cycle, although the exact effect on the starspot distribution throughout a cycle is unknown.

Polar spots are found in many Doppler images of rapidly rotating coot stars. In the past, their existence has been called into question, and it has been suggested that they could be the manifestations of NLTE (e.g. chromospheric filling in of line profiles) effects rather than real photospheric features. We assume the polar spots to be real photospheric features, and conclude that the flat-bottomed nature of the profile shape can be attributed to photospheric polar spots. The degree of truncation of the profile depends not only on spot size and strength, but also on the effective foreshortening of the polar region, a function of axial inclination.

H alpha is in emission on AP 149 which shows a double peak at most phases. The time-series of the profile shows an s-wave pattern as the position of these peaks changes throughout the rotation cycle. We attribute this to coronal clouds located above the stellar surface in synchronous orbit. A maximum-entropy tomogram is derived revealing four distinct emission regions located near and above the corotation radius.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)pp.1057-1066.
Number of pages10
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2001


  • line : profiles
  • stars : activity
  • stars : imaging
  • stars : late-type
  • stars : spots
  • PZ TEL
  • BD+22-DEGREES-4409


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