Fan cells in layer 2 of lateral entorhinal cortex are critical for episodic-like memory

Brianna Marie Vandrey, Derek L.F. Garden, Veronika Ambrozova, Christina McClure, Matthew Nolan*, James Alexander Ainge*

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Episodic memory requires different types of information to be bound together to generate representations of experiences. The lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) and hippocampus are required for episodic-like memory in rodents [1, 2]. The LEC is critical for integrating spatial and contextual information about objects [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Further, LEC neurons encode objects in the environment and the locations where objects were previously experienced and generate representations of time during the encoding and retrieval of episodes [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. However, it remains unclear how specific populations of cells within the LEC contribute to the integration of episodic memory components. Layer 2 (L2) of LEC manifests early pathology in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related animal models [13, 14, 15, 16]. Projections to the hippocampus from L2 of LEC arise from fan cells in a superficial sub-layer (L2a) that are immunoreactive for reelin and project to the dentate gyrus [17, 18]. Here, we establish an approach for selectively targeting fan cells using Sim1:Cre mice. Whereas complete lesions of the LEC were previously found to abolish associative recognition memory [2, 3], we report that, after selective suppression of synaptic output from fan cells, mice can discriminate novel object-context configurations but are impaired in recognition of novel object-place-context associations. Our results suggest that memory functions are segregated between distinct LEC networks.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere5
Pages (from-to)169-175
JournalCurrent Biology
Issue number1
Early online date12 Dec 2019
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jan 2020


  • Recognition memory
  • Associative memory
  • Hippocampus
  • Alzheimer's
  • Medial entorhinal cortex
  • Object recognition
  • Fan cells
  • Lateral entorhinal cortex
  • Episodic memory


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