Factor Complementarity and Labour Market Dynamics

Federico di Pace, Stefania Villa

    Research output: Working paper


    We propose and estimate a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model featuring search and matching frictions, deep habits and a CES production function. The model successfully replicates the cyclical properties of labour market variables in the US economy for three main reasons. First, the endogenous mechanisms of the model – factor complementarity, deep habits and unemployment benefits – play a key role for explaining the amplification in unemployment and vacancies. Second, factor-biased productivity innovations are important exogenous sources of labour market dynamics. Third, demand-side innovations induce markup fluctuations consistent with the deep habits mechanism.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2014


    • CES
    • Deep Habits
    • Search and Matching
    • Bayesian estimation


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