Enhancing assisted learning with 3D virtual environments

Erezi Ogbo, Alan Henry David Miller, Lisa Dow, Colin Allison

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


3D virtual environments (3DVE), also referred to as virtual worlds or the immersive web, are networked multi-user client-server software systems designed so that the natural human perception of the world is represented using 3D objects. Avatars represent users, allowing them to interact with other avatars, non-player characters and objects within the environment. 3DVE
are used in gaming, reconstructions, business and education. This study investigates 3DVE as a tool for assisted learning. A prototype of a 3DVE for assisted learning was developed to provide learners with disabilities educational resources supporting life skills. The research was carried out in a secondary school in Scotland where participants were learners within the Department of Assisted Support. The case study focuses on learning about safety in the kitchen and carrying out basic everyday tasks. This paper discusses different learning scenarios, the physical and virtual environment and the usability of a 3DVE for learners with special educational needs. The results
demonstrate that 3D virtual environments can be used to enhance the learning process in four main areas: social interaction, collaborative working, self-directed learning and exploration.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationJournal of Immersive Education
Subtitle of host publicationE-iED 2014, Proceedings
EditorsJohanna Pirker, Martin Ebner, Kai Erenli, Rainer Malaka, Aaron Walsh
PublisherImmersive Education Initiative
Pages58 - 66
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2014
EventE-iED 2014 - University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Duration: 24 Nov 201426 Nov 2014


ConferenceE-iED 2014
Internet address


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