Emotions and securitisation: a new materialist discourse analysis

Aurora Ganz*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this article, I explore how pride as a collective emotion is ontologically bound to the securitisation of energy and put forward an innovative method that engages materiality and discourse in securitisation theory. I examine the case of energy securitisation in Azerbaijan to show that collective pride is anchored to materialisations and reiterative identity discourses that stick to energy sites and align with the nation in ways that fit with the coercive and controlling nature of securitisation. While the existing literature on emotions and securitisation engages with the process of threat construction and focuses on the audience’s affective experience, I approach securitisation as threat construction and threat management and locate the affective dimension of the process in a transversal space that considers the affective experience of the audience alongside that of the securitising actor. This article pays considerable attention to methods and introduces an experimental new materialist discourse analysis, which accounts for the material, affective and non-human world exerting an agential force on the texts.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages26
JournalEuropean Journal of International Relations
Early online date1 Feb 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Feb 2023


  • Critical security studies
  • Energy
  • Securitization
  • Emotions
  • Discourse
  • New materialism


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