Einleitung: die 'sieben weisen Meister‘ als globale Erzähltradition

Translated title of the contribution: Introduction: the 'seven sages of Rome' as a global narrative tradition

Bettina Bildhauer, Jutta Eming, Nora Schmidt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This introduction describes the exceptionally broad multilingual transmission and transcultural signif­icance of ‘The Seven Sages of Rome’ in the mediaeval and early modern Middle East, Europe and Western Asia, also known under names such as ‘Dolopathos’ or ‘The Book / Tales of Sindbad / Sindibad / Syntipas / Sendebar’. We pro­pose to approach this text as a multilingual tradition rather than one separated into different national philologies. The plot reports a non-consensual sexual encounter between a male and a female character, which raises issues of gender and of the wisdom needed to discern the ‘truth’ about this encounter as particularly important topics in the text. We also identify the flexible genre and narrative form of this text, which features multiple embedded narratives within the plot, as research priorities. Several contributions to this special issue have made advances in these areas, but this introduction also aims to identify further research questions that promise to yield additional important results for the premodern and early modern history of gender and literature. Scholars interested in pursuing this research in our emerging ‘Seven Sages’ network are invited to contact the authors.
Translated title of the contributionIntroduction: the 'seven sages of Rome' as a global narrative tradition
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalDas Mittelalter
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2023


  • Seven sages of Rome
  • Book of Syntipas
  • Sindbad-nameh
  • Mishle Sendebar
  • Dolopathos


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