Effect of temperature on a voltage-sensitive electrical synapse in crayfish

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The effects of temperature on transmission through the voltage-sensitive giant motor synapse (GMS) were investigated in crayfish both experimentally and in computer simulation, The GMS is part of the fast reflex escape pathway of the crayfish and mediates activation from the lateral giant (LG) command neurone to the motor giant (MoG) flexor motoneurone. The investigation was motivated by an apparent mismatch between the temperature sensitivity of the activation time constant of the GMS, with a Q(10) reported to be close to 11, and that of the active membrane properties of LG and MoG, which are thought to have Q(10) values close to 3, Our initial hypothesis was that at cold temperatures the very slow activation of the GMS conductance would reduce the effectiveness of transmission compared with higher temperatures, However, the reverse was found to be the case, Effective transmission through the GMS was reliable at low temperatures, but failed at an upper temperature limit that varied between 12 degrees C and 25 degrees C in isolated nerve cord preparations, The upper limit was extended above 30 degrees C in semi-intact preparations where the GMS was less disturbed by dissection, The results of experiments and simulations both indicate that transmission becomes more reliable at low temperatures because the longer-duration presynaptic spikes are able to drive more current through the GMS into the MoG, which is more excitable at low temperatures, Conversely, effective transmission is difficult at high temperatures because the transfer of charge through the GMS is reduced and because the input resistance of MoG is lowered as its current threshold is increased, The effect of the high Q(10) of the GMS activation is to help preserve effective transmission through the synapse at high temperatures and so extend the temperature range for effective operation of the escape circuit.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)503-513
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Experimental Biology
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1998


  • lateral giant
  • motor giant
  • rectifying electrical synapse
  • crayfish
  • Procambarus clarkii
  • Pacifastacus leniusculus


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