Eductive stability in real business cycle models

George W. Evans, Roger Guesnerie, Bruce McGough

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    Within the standard RBC model we examine issues of expectational coordination on the unique rational expectations equilibrium. We show the sensitivity of agents’ plans and decisions to their short-run and longrun expectations is too great to trigger eductive coordination in a world of rational agents who are endowed with knowledge of the economic structure and contemplate the possibility of small deviations from equilibrium: eductive stability never obtains. We conclude adaptive learning must play a role in real-time dynamics. Our eductive instability theorem has a counterpart under adaptive learning: even with asymptotic stability the transition dynamics can involve large departures from rational expectations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)821–852
    JournalThe Economic Journal
    Issue number618
    Early online date21 May 2018
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2019


    • Learning
    • Expectational coordination
    • Stability


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