Donor responses to out-group beneficiary profiles in direct mail solicitation over time: A case study

Christopher N. Dougherty, Kirk Schmidt, Crystal Mahon

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


We examine the use of visibly out-group service beneficiaries in a single organization’s direct mail solicitations. Despite a 2016 end of year test with 230,000 households (response rate = 3.26%, n = 7502) suggested donor bias against out-group beneficiaries in solicitation material, and market research that suggested that the donor base was socially conservative, a fall 2018 test showed no significant variations in donor response between an in-group control beneficiary profile and an out-group test beneficiary in a randomized trial with 121,000 households (response rate = 11.48%, n = 13,900). Possible reasons for 2018’s negative results are explored.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 2019
Event12th Annual ANSER-ARES Conference - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 5 Jun 20197 Jun 2019


Conference12th Annual ANSER-ARES Conference
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