Disorder driven structural and dielectric properties of silicon substituted strontium titanate

Sita Dugu, Shojan P. Pavunny, Yogesh Sharma, James F. Scott, Ram S. Katiyar

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A systematic study on structural, microstructural, optical, dielectric, and electrical properties of phase-pure silicon-modified SrTiO3 polycrystalline electroceramics synthesized using high energy solid state reaction techniques is presented. The asymmetry and splitting in the x-ray diffractometer spectra and the observation of first order transverse optical TO2 and longitudinal optical LO4 modes in Raman spectra (nominally forbidden) revealed the distortion in the cubic lattice as a result of breaking of inversion symmetry due to doping. A bandgap Eg of 3.27 eV was determined for the sample by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. A high dielectric constant of -400 and very low dielectric loss of -0.03 were obtained at 100 kHz near ambient conditions. The temperature dependence of the dielectric data displayed features of high temperature relaxor ferroelectric behavior as evidence of existence of polar nano-regions. The ac conductivity as a function of frequency showed features typical of universal dynamic response and obeyed a power law σac = σdc+n . The temperature dependent dc conductivity followed an Arrhenius relation with activation energy of 123 meV in the 200–500 K temperature range. The linear dielectric response of Pt/SrSi0.03Ti0.97O3/Pt dielectric capacitors was well characterized. The measured leakage current was exceptionally low, 13 nA/cm2 at 8.7 kV/cm, revealing an interface blocked bulk conduction mechanism.
Original languageEnglish
Article number034105
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jul 2015


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