title = "Die benediktinische Reichsabtei Ottobeuren 1672-1803: Materialien zu Vorgeschichte, Planung, Bau und Ausstattung der neuen Klosteranlage",
abstract = "6 catalogue entries on plans (floor plan, inner and outer elevations, facade) for the monastic church, submitted by Pater Benedict Baur in 1724 and 1725, putting them in context of the overall planning process.",
keywords = "architectural planning, Rococo, South Germany, monastic",
author = "Weiss, {Ulrike Elisabeth}",
year = "2016",
month = dec,
language = "German",
isbn = "978-3-86887-035-0",
volume = "Volume 1, part 2",
series = "Tholos Kunsthistorische Studien",
publisher = "RHEMA-Verlag",
edition = "2016",
type = "Other",