Design of a trustworthy and resilient data sharing platform for healthcare provision

Matthew Banton, Juliana Bowles, Agastya Silvina, Thais Webber

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Healthcare data sharing platforms have been gaining prominence over the last decade, especially with the emergence of technologies dedicated to increase system security and users’ privacy. Moreover, these platforms are becoming less centralised as time progresses, with need for more data from a variety of locations and settings to be transferred between authorised parties. These requirements also include legal and ethical concerns when creating such solution. Through data sharing, organisations can gain access to previously unknown information or higher quality data, share research findings, and make decisions based on larger (and hopefully more representative) datasets. Such platform should be resilient to attack or loss of data and be able to recover quickly and efficiently from unexpected events. This paper focuses on the blend of emerging technologies (data lake and blockchain) in a design to provide secure and resilient data sharing to only those patients and healthcare professionals authorised to access it across multiple European countries.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDependable computing - EDCC 2021 workshops
Subtitle of host publicationDREAMS, DSOGRI, SERENE 2021, Munich, Germany, September 13, 2021, proceedings
EditorsRasmus Adler, Amel Bennaceur, Simon Burton, Amleto Di Salle, Nicola Nostro, Rasmus Løvenstein Olsen, Selma Saidi, Philipp Schleiss, Daniel Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwefel
Place of PublicationCham
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9783030865078
ISBN (Print)9783030865061
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2021
Event17th European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC 2021 held jointly with 2nd Worskhop on Dynamic Risk Management for Autonomous Systems, DREAMS 2021, 3rd Workshop on Dependable Solutions for Intelligent Electricity Distribution Grids, DSOGRI 2021 and 13th Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, SERENE 2021 - Munich, Germany
Duration: 13 Sept 202113 Sept 2021

Publication series

NameCommunications in Computer and Information Science
ISSN (Print)1865-0929
ISSN (Electronic)1865-0937


Conference17th European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC 2021 held jointly with 2nd Worskhop on Dynamic Risk Management for Autonomous Systems, DREAMS 2021, 3rd Workshop on Dependable Solutions for Intelligent Electricity Distribution Grids, DSOGRI 2021 and 13th Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, SERENE 2021
Internet address


  • Data sharing systems
  • Healthcare
  • Resilience
  • Security


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