Cyclical behavior of international fund flows

Suxiao Li, Jakob de Haan, Bert Scholtens

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We investigate the cyclicality of international fund flows employing correlation and regression analysis using monthly data for almost 70 countries between 1996 and 2013. International fund flows are cross-border investments by global funds. Our results suggest that contemporaneously international fund flows are counter-cyclical: fund flows are above trend when output is below trend. Bond flows are more counter-cyclical than equity flows. Furthermore, the counter-cyclical behavior of fund flows has become more pronounced after the global financial crisis. Fund flows into non-OECD countries are mainly driven by global factors while fund flows into OECD countries are more influenced by country-specific factors.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99-112
JournalResearch in International Business and Finance
Early online date17 Jul 2017
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018


  • International fund flows
  • Cyclicality
  • Equity flows
  • Bond flows
  • Push and pull factors


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