Crustal Evolution - A Mineral Archive Perspective

C.J. Hawkesworth, A.I.S. Kemp, B. Dhuime, C.D. Storey

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    The continental crust is the principal record of conditions on the Earth for the last 4.4 Ga. Less than 10% of the crustal rocks exposed are older than 2.5 Ga, and yet 50% of the continental crust may have stabilized by that time. A key archive is minerals like zircon which can be precisely dated and preserve robust isotope and trace element signals. Much of the early crust was mafic in composition, and the late Archaean marks the transition from a period of uniformly poor preservation potential to one in which the geological record appears to be biased by the tectonic setting in which the rocks were formed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFrontiers in Geochemistry
    Subtitle of host publicationContribution of Geochemistry to the Study of the Earth
    Place of PublicationChichester, UK
    PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
    Number of pages23
    ISBN (Print)9781405193382
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2011


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