Correspondence between glass-FT and 14C ages of silicic pyroclastic flow deposits sourced from Maninjau caldera, west-central Sumatra

BV Alloway, A Pribadi, JA Westgate, Michael Ian Bird, K Fifield, A Hogg, I Smith

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46 Citations (Scopus)


Paroxysmal pyroclastic flow deposits sourced from Maninjau caldera in west-central Sumatra are dated at 50+/-3 ka (n=3) using the isothermal plateau and diameter corrected fission-track (ITPFT and DCFT, respectively) techniques on glass shard constituents. In addition, charcoal obtained from tall trees in position of growth within the paroxysmal flow deposit on the upper flanks for the caldera are also dated at 52.3+/-2 C-14 ka (n=2) and 51.1+/-3.2 C-14 ka (n-1) using an acid-base, wet oxidation, stepped combustion (ABOX-SC) and standard acid-base-acid (ABA) C-14 techniques, respectively. The close correspondence in C-14 ages of charcoal sample splits analysed at two laboratories (Australian National University, Australia and Waikato University. New Zealand) verifies the reliability of these C-14 techniques up to at least 50 ka.

Based on concordant ages derived from glass-FT and C-14 techniques, an age of 52+/-3 ka is assigned to the latest silicic eruptive activity at Maninjau caldera. This chronology is further confirmed by the occurrence of a silicic tephra bed that closely underlies paroxysmal Maninjau deposits at two sections and is correlated with Youngest (75 ka) Toba Tephra (YTT) erupted from Toba caldera in north-central Sumatra. This study not only provides a much needed regional chronological reference point for Quaternary deposits in west-central Sumatra but also extends the minimum age range of the glass-FT technique from 75 ka down to c. 50 ka that is now for the first time within the extended maximum age range of the C-14 technique. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-133
Number of pages13
JournalEarth and Planetary Science Letters
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 2004


  • pyroclastic flows
  • Maninjau caldera
  • Sumatra
  • glass-FT
  • C-14 techniques
  • Youngest Toba Tephra
  • YR BP


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