Complete genome sequences of seven EA cluster microbacteriophages, Bustleton, MillyPhilly, Riyhil, Phriends, Pherbot, PrincePhergus, and TinSulphur

Anh M Nguyen Quach, Amy E Varghese, Kumal Siddiq, Isabella G Pappano, Almas Thaha, Tracy A Marcelis, Bora Feruku, Akhil Vindyala, Riyaz Mohamed, Kailee A Johnson, Sayema Hakim, Shivashree Sekar, Pavithra Vinnakota, Nowrin H Borsha, Ryneisha McKenzie, Sanya S Ailani, Shruti Patel, Vincent A Beggarly, Drexel University SEA-PHAGES annotators 2019, Matthew T McDonaldRitu R Dalia, Svetlana Khakhina, Susan M R Gurney*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Seven EA cluster microbacteriophages were isolated from soil collected around Philadelphia, PA, using the bacterial host Microbacterium foliorum All of these phages have a highly conserved genome with regions of diversity localized to the 3' end. In phage Phriends (EA1 cluster), this region contains an orpham gene with no known function.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
JournalMicrobiology Resource Announcements
Issue number46
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2019


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