Commentaires sur « Migration et développement: les externalités de la diaspora »

Toman Barsbai*

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Besides generating large average income gains for migrants, international migration also has important effects on countries of origin and destination. Many of these effects are enhanced by the fact that in today's globalized world migrants remain connected to their countries of origin and build transnational bridges. We are therefore just starting to understand the range of diaspora externalities. I highlight two questions on which our knowledge is still limited: (i) Is there a potential trade-off between immigrant integration and the size of diaspora externalities? (ii) How do monetary remittances affect the quality of governance and patterns of public spending in migrants' countries of origin?.

    Original languageFrench
    Pages (from-to)63-68
    JournalRevue d'Economie du Developpement
    Issue number1
    Early online date13 Feb 2018
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Feb 2018


    • Immigrant integration
    • Monetary remittances
    • Quality of governance
    • Transnationalism

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