Collimated fast electron beam generation in critical density plasma

T. Iwawaki, H. Habara, S. Baton, K. Morita, J. Fuchs, S. Chen, M. Nakatsutsumi, C. Rousseaux, F. Filippi, W. Nazarov, K.A. Tanaka

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Significantly collimated fast electron beam with a divergence angle 10° (FWHM) is observed when an ultra-intense laser pulse (I = 1014 W/cm2, 300 fs) irradiates a uniform critical density plasma. The uniform plasma is created through the ionization of an ultra-low density (5 mg/c.c.) plastic foam by X-ray burst from the interaction of intense laser (I = 1014 W/cm2, 600 ps) with a thin Cu foil. 2D Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulation well reproduces the collimated electron beam with a strong magnetic field in the region of the laser pulse propagation. To understand the physical mechanism of the collimation, we calculate energetic electron motion in the magnetic field obtained from the 2D PIC simulation. As the results, the strong magnetic field (300 MG) collimates electrons with energy over a few MeV. This collimation mechanism may attract attention in many applications such as electron acceleration, electron microscope and fast ignition of laser fusion.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2014


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