Circularly polarized lasing in chiral modulated semiconductor microcavity with GaAs quantum wells

A. A. Demenev, V. D. Kulakovskii, C. Schneider, S. Brodbeck, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, S. V. Lobanov, T. Weiss, N. A. Gippius, S. G. Tikhodeev

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We report close to circularly polarized lasing at ћω = 1.473 and 1.522 eV from an AlAs/AlGaAs Bragg microcavity, with 12 GaAs quantum wells in the active region and chirally etched upper distributed Bragg refractor under optical pump at room temperature. The advantage of using the chiral photonic crystal with a large contrast of dielectric permittivities is its giant optical activity, allowing to fabricate a very thin half-wave plate, with a thickness of the order of the emitted light wavelength, and to realize the monolithic control of circular polarization.

Original languageEnglish
Article number171106
Number of pages5
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 24 Oct 2016


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