Cinema at the Periphery

Dina Iordanova (Editor), David Martin-Jones (Editor), Belen Vidal (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Cinema at the Periphery examines the periphery in terms of locations, practices, methods, and themes. It includes geographic case studies of small national cinemas located at the global margins, like New Zealand and Scotland, but also of filmmaking that comes from peripheral cultures, like Palestinian “stateless” cinema, Australian Aboriginal films, and cinema from Quebec. Therefore, the volume is divided into two key areas: industries and markets on the one hand, and identities and histories on the other. Yet as a whole, the contributors illustrate that the concept of “periphery” is not fixed but is always changing according to patterns of industry, ideology, and taste. Cinema at the Periphery highlights the inextricable interrelationship that exists between production modes and circulation channels and the emerging narratives of histories and identities they enable. In the present era of globalization, this timely examination of the periphery will interest teachers and students of film and media studies.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherWayne State University Press
Number of pages268
ISBN (Print)978-0-8143-3388-4
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

NameContemporary Approaches to Film and Television


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