Charities and ICTs: Can IS-enabled Innovation in Business Critical Activities be Delivered?

Eleanor Burt, John Taylor

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article looks at the ways in which a number of charities are leading the United Kingdom’s ‘Third Sector’ in their use of ICT/IS capabilities to deliver innovations in a range of business critical activities. It shows that new ICT/IS capabilities afforded opportunities within different types of charities to deliver change. In the older charities established in the ‘pre-Internet’ era these shifts tend to work with and reflect the existing ‘enterprise logic’ or established ‘ways of doing’. In the younger ‘Net generation’ organisations the shifts tend to be more fluid in nature, enabling new ways of doing to be delivered and denoting the more flexible model of organisation upon which they were founded. Our research also shows that, in all of the charities, information and data capture and interrogation are intensifying.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)204-224
    JournalCommunications of the Association of Information Systems
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Information systems, charities, organisational change


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