Changing Games, Changing Strategies: Critical Investigations in Security

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Changing Games, Changing Strategies provides a fresh look at the end of the Cold War and subsequent changing in East-West security relations. The central question underlying the book is how a range of policies and outcomes, previously thought to be unrealistic, became possible. Combining a post-Wittgensteinian approach to language with insights from the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School and Habermas, the book explores the relationship between meaning and changing practice in an analysis of the contradictions of the late Cold War and post-Cold War world. The study calls into question the conventional wisdom that the end of the Cold War was a case of 'the West winning,' Rather than a victory for one side over the other, the end of the Cold War represents a transition from conflict to dialogue and cooperation in a whole Europe, a conclusion which has consequences for the way we think about the future of East-West security relations against the background of NATO expansion.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUK
PublisherManchester University Press
Number of pages234
ISBN (Print)0 7190 5475 3, Hardback
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 1998

Publication series

NameNew Approaches to Conflict Analysis
PublisherManchester University Press


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