Cascaded modulator architecture for WDM applications

Kapil Debnath*, Liam O'Faolain, Frederic Y. Gardes, Andreas G. Steffan, Graham T. Reed, Thomas F. Krauss

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Integration density, channel scalability, low switching energy and low insertion loss are the major prerequisites for on-chip WDM systems. A number of device geometries have already been demonstrated that fulfill these criteria, at least in part, but combining all of the requirements is still a difficult challenge. Here, we propose and demonstrate a novel architecture consisting of an array of photonic crystal modulators connected by a dielectric bus waveguide. The device architecture features very high scalability and the modulators operate with an AC energy consumption of less than 1fJ/bit. Furthermore, we demonstrate cascadeability and multichannel operation by using a comb laser as the source that simultaneously drives 5 channels.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27420-27428
Number of pages9
JournalOptics Express
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - 3 Dec 2012


  • Low-power
  • Chip
  • Interconnect
  • Silicon
  • Detectors
  • Optical modulators
  • GBPS
  • Wave-guides
  • Photonic crystal nanocavities


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