Broadly tunable femtosecond Tm:Lu2O3 ceramic laser operating around 2070 nm

Alexander A. Lagatsky*, Oleg L. Antipov, Wilson Sibbett

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Femtosecond mode locking of a Tm-doped Lu2O3 ceramic laser is reported. Transform-limited pulses as short as 180 fs are generated at 2076 nm with an average output power of 400 mW and a pulse repetition frequency of 121.2 MHz. An output power up to 750 mW can be reached at the somewhat longer pulse duration of 382 fs. Femtosecond pulse generation is realized in the 2030-2100 nm spectral range. Passive mode locking was achieved using an ion-implanted InGaAsSb quantum-well-based SESAM.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19349-19354
Number of pages6
JournalOptics Express
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2012


  • 2 MU-M
  • Fibre laser
  • Frequency comb
  • Spectroscopy


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