BeadDataPackr: A tool to facilitate the sharing of raw data from Illumina BeadArray studies

Mike L. Smith, Andy G. Lynch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Microarray technologies have been an increasingly important tool in cancer research in the last decade, and a number of initiatives have sought to stress the importance of the provision and sharing of raw microarray data. Illumina BeadArrays provide a particular problem in this regard, as their random construction simultaneously adds value to analysis of the raw data and obstructs the sharing of those data. We present a compression scheme for raw Illumina BeadArray data, designed to ease the burdens of sharing and storing such data, that is implemented in the BeadDataPackR BioConductor package ( It offers two key advantages over off-the-peg compression tools. First it uses knowledge of the data formats to achieve greater compression than other approaches, and second it does not need to be decompressed for analysis, but rather the values held within can be directly accessed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)217-227
Number of pages11
JournalCancer Informatics
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Compression
  • Illumina BeadArray
  • Microarray
  • Open data


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