Assessing non-market benefits of seagrass restoration in the Gulf of Gdansk

Tobias Börger, Joanna Piwowarczyk

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    Seagrass meadows (Zostera marina) are an important ecosystem in the coastal environment of the Baltic Sea. This study employs a discrete choice experiment to value a set of non-market benefits provided by seagrass meadows in the Gulf of Gdańsk, Poland. The benefits valued in this study are a reduction of filamentous algae in the water and on the beach; access to seagrass meadows for boaters and divers; and improved water clarity. Results show significant willingness to pay for each attribute and differences of value estimates across different groups of survey respondents. It is discussed how to link choice attributes and estimated values with established ecosystem benefit categories in order to facilitate value transfer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1
    JournalJournal of Ocean and Coastal Economics
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2016


    • Discrete choice experiment
    • Seagrass
    • Gulf of Gdansk
    • Baltic Sea


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