Application of an analytical MHD wind model with latitudinal dependences to the solar wind

JJG Lima, C Sauty, N Iro, K Tsinganos, Eric Ronald Priest

Research output: Other contribution


The non-spherical character of the solar wind is modelled using an analytical MHD wind model in which the latitudinal dependences were obtained via separation of the variables (Lima, Priest & Tsinganos 2001). Ulysses data is used to constrain the parameters that control the various latitudinal profiles. The solution is then reconstructed all the way back to the base of the corona. The applicability of this model with open field lines is compared to the applicability of another model which relaxes that assumption (Sauty, Tsinganos & Trussoni 1999).

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • solar wind
  • magnetohydrodynamics
  • JETS


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