Adaptive-Compi: Enhancing Mpi-based applications' performance and scalability by using adaptive compression

Rosa Filgueira*, David E. Singh, Jesús Carretero, Alejandro Calderón, Félix García

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This paper presents an optimization of MPI communication, called Adaptive-CoMPI, based on runtime compression of MPI messages exchanged by applications. The technique developed can be used for any application, because its implementation is transparent for the user, and integrates different compression algorithms for both MPI collective and point-to-point primitives. Furthermore, compression is turned on and off and the most appropriate compression algorithms are selected at runtime, depending on the characteristics of each message, the network behavior, and compression algorithm behavior, following a runtime adaptive strategy. Our system can be optimized for a specific application, through a guided strategy, to reduce the runtime strategy overhead. Adaptive-CoMPI has been validated using several MPI benchmarks and real HPC applications. Results show that, in most cases, by using adaptive compression, communication time is reduced, enhancing application performance and scalability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93-114
Number of pages22
JournalInternational Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2011


  • adaptive system
  • cluster architecture
  • compression algorithm
  • heuristics
  • MPI library
  • parallel technique


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