Abgrenzung schuttbedeckter Gletscher aus Satellitenbildern unter Verwendung morphometrischer Parameter

Translated title of the contribution: Delimitation of rubble-covered glaciers from satellite imagery using morphometric parameters

Tobias Bolch, André Kunert, Manfred Buchroithner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Summary Morphometry-based methods to delineate debris-covered-glaciers of the Bernina-Group/Alps, the northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan) and of the Mt.-Everest-area (Nepalese Himalaya) are presented in this ongoing study. The morphometric analyses are based on self- generated ASTER DEMs and SRTM data and - for the Bernina-Group - on the Swiss DHM25 (©Swisstopo). The presented approach includes the typical curvature characteristics of the glaciers. Combining plane and profile curvatures in a cluster analysis, both the surface and the margins of the valley glaciers - including the debris-covered parts - could be well identified in the Bernina Group and the northern Tien Shan. Clearly, the number of the identifiable distal glacier portions depends on both the resolution and the quality of the DEM. However, due to the different characteristics of the Himalayan debris-covered glaciers, the approach using curvature as the only mapping criterion is very useful to describe the surface characteristics of these glaciers. Yet, their delineation is mostly not possible. Hence, the morphometry-based glacier mapping (MGM) method has to be applied to these glaciers in a more complex way. This approach includes besides the curvature on the altitude, the slope and statstical parameters like the standard deviation. In addition the thermal band of the ASTER sensor is included.
Translated title of the contributionDelimitation of rubble-covered glaciers from satellite imagery using morphometric parameters
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationJahrestagung des AK Fernerkundungsmethoden der DGPF, ILA-Symposium
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2006


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