title = "A True/False Translation Test for English Vocabulary Size Assessment in a Japanese Context",
abstract = "This article describes the development and initial trial of a translation-based True/False Vocabulary Size Test (TFVST) for Japanese learners of English, created with the aim of improving on established vocabulary size tests in terms of: (i) greater time efficiency, and (ii) utilization of L1 translations, rather than L2 definitions, for more efficient confirmation of form-meaning link knowledge. A group of Japanese university students (n = 58) and Japanese teachers of English (n = 2) took the new test together with a corresponding written translation task, and the results provided some preliminary evidence for TFVST{\textquoteright}s reliability, validity, and practicality. Most notably, TFVST results correlated strongly with those of the translation task criterion measure (rs = .791, p < .001), and the new test also appeared to be more time efficient than existing vocabulary size tests. The findings of this research suggest that TFVST may be a useful alternative for measuring English vocabulary size in a Japanese context, and accordingly that translation-based True/False vocabulary size tests of this type are worthy of further investigation with both Japanese and other L1 groups.",
keywords = "VOCABULARY, Vocabulary learning, Language testing, Translation, TESOL, Japanese, English language, Vocabulary size",
author = "Eoin Jordan",
year = "2013",
language = "English",
volume = "25",
pages = "27--45",
journal = "Polyglossia: the Asia-Pacific's voice in language and language teaching",
publisher = "立命館アジア太平洋研究センター",