A prototype for the PASS permanent all sky survey

H J Deeg, R Alonso, J A Belmonte, K Horne, K Alsubai, A Cameron, L R Doyle

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A prototype system for the Permanent All Sky Survey (PASS) project is presented. PASS is a continuous photometric survey of the entire celestial sphere with a high temporal resolution. Its major objectives are the detection of all giant-planet transits (with periods up to some weeks) across stars up to mag 10.5, and to deliver continuously photometry that is useful for the study of any variable stars. The prototype is based on CCD cameras with short focal length optics on a fixed mount. A small dome to house it at Teide Observatory, Tenerife, is currently being constructed. A placement at the antarctic Dome C is also being considered. The prototype will be used for a feasibility study of PASS, to define the best observing strategies, and to perform a detailed characterization of the capabilities and scope of the survey. Afterwards, a first partial sky surveying will be started with it. That first survey may be able to detect transiting planets during its first few hundred hours of operation. It will also deliver a data set around which software modules dealing with the various scientific objectives of PASS will be developed. The PASS project is still in its early phase and teams interested in specific scientific objectives, in providing technical expertise, or in participating with own observations are invited to collaborate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)643-645
Number of pages3
JournalAstronomische Nachrichten
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • instrumentation
  • photometers
  • planetary systems
  • stars
  • variables
  • general
  • surveys
  • techniques
  • photometric


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