A population-based exposure assessment of risk factors associated with gastrointestinal pathogens: a Campylobacter study

Laura MacRitchie, Colin John Hunter, Norval Strachan

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    A questionnaire survey was undertaken to determine the exposure of a study population to campylobacteriosis source risk factors (environmental, water, food) and results were stratified by age, population density and deprivation. Data were gathered using an exposure assessment carried out by telephone in the Grampian region of Scotland. Univariate analysis showed that children aged 5-14 years, living in low population density (0-44·4 persons/km2) and affluent areas had elevated exposure to environmental and water risk factors. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that younger age groups and lower population density were significant indicators for most environmental risk factors. The results compared to reported disease incidence in Grampian showed that greater exposure to risk factors does not necessarily coincide with greater disease incidence for age groups, particularly for the 0-4 years age group. Further research is required to explain the relationship between exposure and disease incidence. © 2012 Cambridge University Press.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)976-986
    JournalEpidemiology and Infection
    Issue number05
    Early online date9 Aug 2012
    Publication statusPublished - May 2013


    • Campylobacter
    • Epidemiology
    • Gastroenteritis


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