A language-independent parallel refactoring framework

Christopher Mark Brown, Kevin Hammond, Marco Danelutto, Peter Kilpatrick

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Recent trends towards increasingly parallel computers mean that there needs to be a seismic shift in programming practice. The time is rapidly approaching when most programming will be for parallel systems. However, most programming techniques in use today are geared towards sequential, or occasionally small-scale parallel, programming. While refactoring has so far mainly been applied to sequential programs, it is our contention that refactoring can play a key role in significantly improving the programmability of parallel systems, by allowing the programmer to apply a set of well-defined transformations in order to parallelise their programs. In this paper, we describe a new language-independent refactoring approach that helps introduce and tune parallelism through high-level design patterns targeting a set of well-specified parallel skeletons. We believe this new refactoring process is the key to allowing programmers to truly start thinking in parallel.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT '12)
Place of PublicationNew York
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9781450315005
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2012
EventWorkshop on Refactoring Tools - Rapperswil, Switzerland
Duration: 1 Jun 20121 Jun 2012


WorkshopWorkshop on Refactoring Tools
Abbreviated titleWRT '12


  • Refactoring
  • Erlang
  • C/C++
  • Skeletons
  • Patterns
  • ParaPhrase
  • Parallelism
  • Concurrency


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