A dense microcluster of class 0 protostars in NGC 2264 D-MM1

Paula Stella Teixeira, L. A. Zapata, C. J. Lada

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The Spitzer Space telescope has revealed a cluster of protostars in NGC2264 (Spokes cluster; Teixeira et al., 2006) that retains a characteristic length scale (20'' ± 5'') similar to the Jeans length for that region (27''). We found a micro-cluster within the Spokes cluster with a smaller characteristic length scale and explore the scenario of a secondary thermal fragmentation within the region. I will present sensitive high angular resolution ( 1'') 230 GHz continuum interferometric observations of this micro-cluster using the Submillimeter Array, in Hawai'i. We detected seven very compact millimeter sources clustered in a 20'' × 20'' region, four of which are associated with infrared emission. The seven new millimeter sources have 0.1 solar masses and sizes of about 700 AU. We interpret these 1.3 mm sources as compact circumstellar disks+inner dense protostellar envelopes (Teixeira et al., 2007). The mean distance between these sources is 7'' which corresponds to the Jeans length for the micro-cluster. Our analysis seem to indicate that the dominant fragmentation process for this region within NGC 2264 is thermal and not turbulent.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2008
EventAmerican Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211 - Austin, United States
Duration: 7 Jan 200811 Jan 2008
Conference number: 211


ConferenceAmerican Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211
Abbreviated titleAAS Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
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