3D non-driven magnetic reconnection at multiple separators

Zarqa Zahid, C E Parnell, Anisa Qamar*

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Separators are important topological features of magnetic configuration for magnetic reconnection, commonly found in the solar plasma. They are located at the boundary shared among four distinctive flux domains; therefore, current layers easily build up around them. This paper aims to explore non-driven magnetic reconnection at multiple separators since little information is available about it. We have done two sets of experiments: non-resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) relaxation and resistive MHD reconnection of a magnetic configuration consisting of two null points alongside their associated spines and three non-potential separators, which connect the same two null points. We used the LARE3D code for this purpose. The main current layers are formed along these separators where reconnection takes place. The reconnection occurs in two distinct phases: fast-strong and slow-weak. Most of the current dissipates at a fast rate, through Ohmic heating, during the fast-strong phase. The short-lived impulsive bursty reconnection events occur randomly in the slow-weak phase, while viscous heating exceeds Ohmic heating in this phase. The electric field component is parallel to field lines along the separators; likewise, the rate of reconnection along each of them evolved over time. However, work on separator reconnection has a strong potential to understand the underlying physics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number123123
Number of pages14
Issue number12
Early online date20 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2021


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