「シュティルフリート写真館小史―巨匠と助手とライバル―」(A Brief History of Stillfried’s Photographic Studios: Masters, Assistants and Rivals). Trans. Itô Hisako. In Saitô Takio, Bunmei kaikaki no Yokohama,Tôkyô: koshashin de miru fûkei (Yokohama and Tokyo in the Era of ‘Civilization and Enlightenment’: Views of Old Photographs). 伊藤久子訳、斉藤多喜夫『文明開化期の横浜・東京:古写真でみる風景』有隣堂、2007.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationYokohama
ISBN (Print)978-4-89660-202-9
Publication statusPublished - 2007

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