نسخهای شاهانه کتابتشده برای اسکندر بن عمر شیخ: گلچین محفوظ در موزۀ کالوست گلبنکیان، کتابخانۀ دانشگاه استانبول و موسسۀ تاریخ پزشکی ولکام

Translated title of the contribution: A royal manuscript produced for Iskandar b. ʿUmar Shaykh: an anthology housed in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Istanbul University Library and the Wellcome Institute for the history of medicine

Mohamad Reza Ghiasian*, Ilse Sturkenboom

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article aims at examining one of the most splendid anthologies produced for the Timurid ruler, Iskandar b. Umar Shaykh. The three separated parts of this anthology are kept in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, the Istanbul University Library, and the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in London. It contains prose and poetry texts collected, and even sometimes authored, by the scholars and learned men at Iskandar’s court. Based on the size, page layout, contents and calligraphic styles of the book, this article provides evidence indicating that the afore-mentioned manuscripts originally belonged to a two-volume anthology. The portions in the Istanbul University and the Wellcome Institute help us gain a better understanding of the styles and functions of illuminations and paintings in the water damaged and repaired Lisbon Anthology. In preparing this anthology, which is of particular importance among the Timurid manuscripts, there participated artisans who had earlier worked for Sultan Ahmad Jalayer in Baghdad and Tabrizi and later had remarkable impact on the art of book production in Herat.
Translated title of the contributionA royal manuscript produced for Iskandar b. ʿUmar Shaykh: an anthology housed in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Istanbul University Library and the Wellcome Institute for the history of medicine
Original languageOther
Pages (from-to)55-90
Number of pages36
Journalآینه میراث
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2021


  • Iskandar ibn 'Umar Shaykh
  • Anthology
  • Shiraz painting
  • Timurid era


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