Sentir el lugar: Dialogos Uruguay - Scotland

Project: Standard

Project Details

AcronymSentir el lugar
Effective start/end date1/11/1031/10/11


  • Carnegie Trust: £1,000.00


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  • Juan Mac Coll y su guia para emigrantes a Uruguay

    Translated title of the contribution: John Mac Coll and his guide to emigrants to UruguaySan Roman, G., 2011, Sentir el lugar: Dialogos Uruguay - Scotland. Cordery, L., San Roman, G. & Vegh, B. (eds.). Montevideo: Linardi y Risso, p. 65-82 17 p. (Serie Montevideana).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • Postfacio

    Translated title of the contribution: PostsriptSan Roman, G., 2011, Sentir el lugar: Dialogos Uruguay - Escocia. Cordery, L., San Roman, G. & Vegh, B. (eds.). Montevideo: Linardi y Risso, p. 159-167 8 p. (Serie Montevideana).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • Sentir el lugar: Dialogos Uruguay - Escocia

    Translated title of the contribution: A Sense of Place: Dialogues Uruguay - ScotlandCordery, L. (Editor), San Roman, G. (Editor) & Vegh, B. (Editor), 2011, Montevideo: Linardi y Risso. 167 p. (Serie Montevideana)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook