Project Details


Domestic Abuse service providers have identified keeping their databases of available services up to date as a problem, costing significant time and resources to manually maintain. Specifically, there are so many different organizations offering Domestic Abuse services (over 170 in the UK alone; e.g., Women’s Aid, Galop, Anah Project, etc.) and such volatile funding for specific programs (services pop up and disappear due to funding availability on a yearly basis) that it is impossible to manually maintain and keep a database up to date. We will build a self-updating database using web-crawling and scraping algorithms and package it with a Graphical User Interface that can be embedded, for free (open source), on any webpage, starting with the Domestic Abuse Research and Impact website (under development) created by McCurry, May, and Donaldson.
Effective start/end date1/12/231/12/24


  • University of St Andrews Impact & Innovation Fund: £3,997.80


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