RSA Digital Innovation Award

  • Smith, Pamela H. (Recipient), Godbarge, Clément (Recipient), Taape, Tillmann (Recipient), Uchacz, Tianna Helena (Recipient) & Rosencranz, Naomi (Recipient)

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


The Digital Innovation Award recognizes excellence in digital projects that support the study of the Renaissance (1300–1700). Projects will be evaluated on content, usability, and thoughtful implementation of technology. The award selection committee will consider projects such as (but not limited to) digital editions, research portals, themed repositories, visualizations, interactive games, reusable datasets, and online exhibitions. Tools (for transcription, markup, annotation, etc.) will not be considered unless they are specifically geared towards teaching and/or researching the Renaissance or show significant applications to Renaissance studies.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsRenaissance Society of America

Awarded at event

Event titleRenaissance Society of America Annual Conference 2012
Period1 Mar 2012
