Professional Skills Curriculum

  • Chu, Ann Gillian (Recipient)

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)



The Professional Skills Curriculum is a co-curricular development programme for students at the University of St Andrews. Participants complete a skills analysis to help them identify a number of professional skills areas to develop in, deemed important by graduate employers. The skills are delivered via a mixture of lectures, practical skills sessions and online workshops. Participants are encouraged to apply their learning to their studies, extra-curricular activities and work experience.


To gain the Professional Skills Curriculum award, participants have to complete 8 or more skills topics and submit a reflective essay about their learning. The award is jointly given by the Centre of Academic, Professional and Organisational Development at the University of St Andrews, and the University of St Andrews Students' Association. The award is endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management, and appears on the student's degree transcript.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsUniversity of St Andrews, United Kingdom
