BBSRC, EPSRC & Wellcome Trust iGEM Student Stipends: Scalable synthesis of fully glycosylated monoclonal antibodies using a prokaryotic chassis with V.A. Smith, C. Czekster, T. Gloster, H. Ferreira & U. Schwarz-Linek (Biology), C. Hooley (Physics & Astronomy) & J. Mitchell (Chemistry) - University of St Andrews

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


Recipient of the BBSRC, EPSRC & Wellcome Trust student stipends with V.A. Smith, C. Czekster, T. Gloster, H. Ferreira & U. Schwarz-Linek (Biology), C. Hooley (Physics & Astronomy) & J. Mitchell (Chemistry)
Degree of recognitionNational
