Personal profile

Research overview

In my PhD project (Topographies of Memory: Archaic Past and Augustan Present in Dionysius of Halicarnassus) I explore the depiction of Roman monuments in Dionysius of Halicarnassus' historical work to determine the role played by monuments in Dionysius' Early Roman History, especially in furthering his main argument about the Greek character of the Romans. I am currently supervised by Dr Nicolas Wiater and Dr Andrea L. Brock.

Prior to coming to St Andrews, I earned a BA (2016-2019) and MA (2019-2021) in Classics at the University of Pisa, and a MA (2021) in Classical Philology and Ancient History at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy. In my bachelor thesis I explored the depiction of the gens Fabia in Livy's Books 6-10, while in my Master's dissertation I studied the development of Roman diplomatic relations with the Greek states in the first half of the second century BC. In my second master thesis I studied the role played by the Fabian tradition in linking Livy's account of the battle of Sentinum with that of the Gallic Sack. 

My research interests cover Memory and Monumentality, together with Roman historiography, with a special focus on Early Roman history. In particular, I engage with the interplay between Greek and Roman cultural ideas in the narratives of Ancient historians.

Teaching activity

Academic Year 2023/2024:

  • Semester 1: World of Latin 1 (LT1003) unseens
  • Semester 2: Latin in Progress 2 (LT2004) & Intermediate Latin for MLitt (B) (LT5004), set text

Academic Year 2024/2025:

  • Semester 1: Ancient Societies: gender, ethnicity, and inequality in the ancient world (AN2004), tutorial group


Education/Academic qualification

Master of Arts, Fabius, Clusium, and the Gauls. A new contribution on the tradition of the battle of Sentinum, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

1 Oct 201630 Oct 2021

Award Date: 30 Oct 2021

Master of Arts, Some aspects of the Roman Policy in Greece between 200 and 167 BC, University of Pisa

31 Oct 201912 Oct 2021

Award Date: 12 Oct 2021

Bachelor of Arts, The Fabian gens in Livy's second pentad, University of Pisa

1 Oct 201630 Oct 2019

Award Date: 30 Oct 2019