Personal profile

Research overview

Stefania Duricova is a PhD candidate specialising in Central and East-Central European art from the late nineteenth century to contemporary practices. Her research explores the intersections of art, identity and politics, with a focus on transnational relations and the under-researched histories of Central Europe. Her dissertation examines murals in public buildings from the late Austro-Hungarian Empire, investigating how these artworks served as ideological tools to foster national awareness and cultural identities within the empire's diverse populations.

Stefania served as a curator at the East Slovak Gallery and continues to contribute to the field as an independent curator. Her curatorial practice highlights feminist approaches, with a commitment to fostering inclusivity and engaging broader audiences in cultural institutions. Projects such as House of Mine (2022-2024, funded by EEA and Norway Grants) and exhibitions like Echoes Within (2024, East Slovak Gallery Kosice and Virag Benedek Haz Budapest) reflect her dedication to amplifying new voices and creating accessible, thought-provoking cultural spaces.

Her research has been supported by the University of St Andrews, the Visegrad Fund, the Jan Hus Educational Foundation, and other travel grants. She has also undertaken a research fellowship at Charles University in Prague. Stefania views her work as part of an ongoing dialogue, combining scholarly inquiry with curatorial practice to deepen understanding and appreciation not only for Central, East-Central European art but also for its connections and resonances within a broader global context.

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Arts, Western Views on Displaying Buddhist Art in French Museum And the Appreciation of Buddhist Art In Situ: A Comparative Study, UNIVERSITY OF KENT

Award Date: 15 Nov 2015

Bachelor of Arts, Complutense University of Madrid

Award Date: 1 Sept 2013

  • Stála expozícia dnes?

    Translated title of the contribution: Permanent exhibition today?Duricova, S., 7 Dec 2021, Pozície expozície: Čo je to stála expozícia v 21. storočí?. Ďuriciová, Š. & Kleban, M. (eds.). Košice: East Slovak Gallery, p. 10-13 4 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution