Personal profile

Research overview

Sahngmin Hannah Shin is researching the relations between technology and the government. 

Research interests include the following:

  • Digital Authoritarianism
  • Cybersecurity
  • East Asia and The Korea Peninsula Politics

She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Duksung Women's University in Republic of Korea with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science & International Studies and a Master's degree in Political Science from Sogang University in Republic of Korea. 

She previously worked in the government sector, South-North Korea Exchanges and Cooperation Support Association under the Ministry of Unification, Republic of Korea. 

Outside of academia, she is an International Ambassador of Natural Heritage from the Natural Heritage Conservation Association, Republic of Korea. She is an author of quarterly "Global Trend Sensing Letter," analysing socioeconomic trend of the UK, published by Hyundai Motor Group Business Intelligence Institue.