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EDGA conference
White, R. (Speaker)
13 Dec 2017 → 14 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Taking action on SDGs in schools and communities – what are SDGS?
White, R. (Chair)
7 Dec 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a workshop, seminar, course
Education and the SDGs
White, R. (Participant)
30 Nov 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a workshop, seminar, course
European Golf Association Conference
White, R. (Speaker)
15 Nov 2017 → 17 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation Conference
White, R. (Member of organising committee)
8 Jul 2017 → 14 Jul 2100Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a conference
Responding to the UN SDGs in UK and Scotland ( UK Regional Centres of Expertise in ESD conference)
White, R. (Member of organising committee)
20 Jun 2017 → 21 Jun 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a workshop, seminar, course
Current action on the SDGs in Further and Higher education in Scotland and UK (EAUC Scotland/LfSS seminar)
White, R. (Chair)
10 May 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a workshop, seminar, course
Purposeful and meaningful teaching
White, R. (Speaker)
15 Feb 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
European Journal of Wildlife Research (Journal)
White, R. (Member of editorial board)
2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editor of research journal
Invited keynote speaker at FRAP conference
White, R. (Keynote/Plenary speaker)
2006Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Zoological Society of Southern Africa (External organisation)
White, R. (Participant)
2002 → 2004Activity: Membership types › Membership of research network
• Evaluation of researchers and projects for National Research Foundation, South Africa. • External examiner of 2 PhD and 1 M Env Sci theses for Rhodes University. • Coordinator of CEH reviews of Darwin Initiative projects and reviewer.
White, R. (External examiner)
2001 → 2007Activity: Examination types › External examination
2005 Mammal Society Symposium, London, UK; 2005 UFZ, Leipzig, GERMANY; 2004 Dept. Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK; 2004 ESRC Seminar on Sustaining Mountain Landscapes, Wales, UK; 2004 Darwin Initiative Workshop, DEFRA, London, UK; 2003 NRF Thuthuka Award Dinner, East London, SOUTH AFRICA; 2002 Centre for Conservation Biology, University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
White, R. (Participant)
2001 → 2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a workshop, seminar, course
Peer review of articles - multiple journals (Journal)
White, R. (Editor)
2001 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editor of research journal
CONFERENCES: Organised symposium on Biodiversity conflicts for DIVERSITAS conference, Oaxaca, Mexico 2005. Organised four workshops for WWF as part of contracts, 2000-2002. Organised UKPopNet workshops 2005. COMMITTEE MEMBER: 2004-2006 Scotland’s Moorland Forum: CEH representative; 2004-2005 Scotland’s Moorland Forum Research Group: CEH representative; 2004-2006 Darwin Initiative Technical Committee, DEFRA, UK: Member; 2003- 2004 UNITRA Research and Development Merger Task Team: Chairperson; 2001-2004 University of Transkei Research Committee: Chairperson; 2002-2004 Dwesa-Cwebe Co-management Committee: Secretary; 2001-2004 Technical Advisory Group to WWF-SA Wild Coast: Member; 2002-2004 Zoological Society of Southern Africa: Council Member.
White, R. (Organiser)
2001 → 2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a conference
INTERNAT CONF TALKS White, R.M., Fischer, A., van der Wal, R., Travis, J., Marshall, K., di Falco, S., Webb, T. & Redpath, S.M. (2006) Towards a generic framework for biodiversity conflict management. FRAP conf, Germany; White, R.M. & Redpath, S.M. (2005) A framework to predict, understand and manage biodiversity conflicts. DIVERSITAS conf, Mexico; White, R.M., K. Marshall, A. Fischer & K. Smyth (2005) Who are the stakeholders in biodiversity conflicts?; an analysis of relationships, representivity and scale. SoBio, Spain; + NZ 2003. INVITED ECONF KEYNOTES White, R.M. & C. Görg (2005) Research priorities in the development of effective mechanisms for knowledge transfer between the research and policy communities. E conf for European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy. 29th August to 16th September 2005; White, R.M. & R. Brooker (2004) Research needs on methods of conflict resolution in the implementation of agri-environmental schemes. 13-30 April 2004.
White, R. (Invited speaker)
2001 → …Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
White, R.M., K. Marshall, A. Fischer and S.M. Redpath (2005) Communicating science in biodiversity conflicts: towards sustainable moorland management. British Ecological Society, Hatfield, UK. Marshall, K., R.M. White and A. Fischer (2005) Contributions of individual stakeholders to conservation management options: a case study of the red grouse and hen harrier conflict. British Ecological Society, Hatfield, UK. White, R.M. and S.M. Redpath (2004) Conflict in biodiversity conservation: history, characteristics and management. CEH Conference, Durham, UK. Gqutyana, A., R.M. White, P.J. Fielding (2004) The extent and application to management of indigenous knowledge of marine resources along the Wild Coast. First South African Academic Colloquium on Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Bloemfontein, South Africa plus 17 others
White, R. (Invited speaker)
2001 → …Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk