Miguel Borges Da Costa Guint Barbosa

Dr, Mr

  • KY16 9ST

    United Kingdom

Personal profile

Research overview

I am an education-focused marine biologist with research interests in the evolutionary, ecological, and behavioural effects of environmental heterogeneity on life history traits of tropical fishes. In addition, I am passionate about teaching and I am particularly interested in finding novel and interactive ways to communicate science and empower students to learn and research. 

I am always available to discuss future opportunities/projects/supervisions. 

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water
  • SDG 15 - Life on Land

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Education, PG certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education, University of Dundee

1 Jan 201916 Jul 2021

Award Date: 16 Jul 2021

Doctor of Philosophy, Female mating decisions in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, University of St Andrews

28 Feb 200520 Dec 2008

Award Date: 26 Jun 2009

Master of Biology, Sex change in Labrids, JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY

1 Mar 20037 Jul 2004

Award Date: 7 Sept 2004

Bachelor of Science, Ontogenetic shift in the abundance and distribution of Apletodon dentatus, University of Lisbon

1 Jul 199321 Jul 2000

Award Date: 21 Jul 2000

External positions

GEM, Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance, SULSA

21 Oct 2021 → …

SULSA - Ecosystems Theme, Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance, SULSA

31 Jan 2018 → …


  • QL Zoology
  • Behaviour
  • Marine biology
  • Fish
  • Ecology
  • Conservation
  • Higher Education
  • Tropics


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  • BioTIME: a database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene

    Dornelas, M., Antão, L. H., Moyes, F., Bates, A. E., Magurran, A. E., Adam, D., Akhmetzhanova, A. A., Appeltans, W., Arcos, J. M., Arnold, H., Ayyappan, N., Badihi, G., Baird, A. H., Barbosa, M., Barreto, T. E., Bässler, C., Bellgrove, A., Belmaker, J., Benedetti-cecchi, L. & Bett, B. J. & 250 others, Bjorkman, A. D., Błażewicz, M., Blowes, S. A., Bloch, C. P., Bonebrake, T. C., Boyd, S., Bradford, M., Brooks, A. J., Brown, J. H., Bruelheide, H., Budy, P., Carvalho, F., Castañeda-moya, E., Chen, C. A., Chamblee, J. F., Chase, T. J., Siegwart Collier, L., Collinge, S. K., Condit, R., Cooper, E. J., Cornelissen, J. H. C., Cotano, U., Kyle Crow, S., Damasceno, G., Davies, C. H., Davis, R. A., Day, F. P., Degraer, S., Doherty, T. S., Dunn, T. E., Durigan, G., Duffy, J. E., Edelist, D., Edgar, G. J., Elahi, R., Elmendorf, S. C., Enemar, A., Ernest, S. K. M., Escribano, R., Estiarte, M., Evans, B. S., Fan, T.-Y., Turini Farah, F., Loureiro Fernandes, L., Farneda, F. Z., Fidelis, A., Fitt, R., Fosaa, A. M., Daher Correa Franco, G. A., Frank, G. E., Fraser, W. R., García, H., Cazzolla Gatti, R., Givan, O., Gorgone-barbosa, E., Gould, W. A., Gries, C., Grossman, G. D., Gutierréz, J. R., Hale, S., Harmon, M. E., Harte, J., Haskins, G., Henshaw, D. L., Hermanutz, L., Hidalgo, P., Higuchi, P., Hoey, A., Van Hoey, G., Hofgaard, A., Holeck, K., Hollister, R. D., Holmes, R., Hoogenboom, M., Hsieh, C.-H., Hubbell, S. P., Huettmann, F., Huffard, C. L., Hurlbert, A. H., Macedo Ivanauskas, N., Janík, D., Jandt, U., Jażdżewska, A., Johannessen, T., Johnstone, J., Jones, J., Jones, F. A. M., Kang, J., Kartawijaya, T., Keeley, E. C., Kelt, D. A., Kinnear, R., Klanderud, K., Knutsen, H., Koenig, C. C., Kortz, A. R., Král, K., Kuhnz, L. A., Kuo, C.-Y., Kushner, D. J., Laguionie-marchais, C., Lancaster, L. T., Min Lee, C., Lefcheck, J. S., Lévesque, E., Lightfoot, D., Lloret, F., Lloyd, J. D., López-baucells, A., Louzao, M., Madin, J. S., Magnússon, B., Malamud, S., Matthews, I., Mcfarland, K. P., Mcgill, B., Mcknight, D., Mclarney, W. O., Meador, J., Meserve, P. L., Metcalfe, D. J., Meyer, C. F. J., Michelsen, A., Milchakova, N., Moens, T., Moland, E., Moore, J., Mathias Moreira, C., Müller, J., Murphy, G., Myers-smith, I. H., Myster, R. W., Naumov, A., Neat, F., Nelson, J. A., Paul Nelson, M., Newton, S. F., Norden, N., Oliver, J. C., Olsen, E. M., Onipchenko, V. G., Pabis, K., Pabst, R. J., Paquette, A., Pardede, S., Paterson, D. M., Pélissier, R., Peñuelas, J., Pérez-matus, A., Pizarro, O., Pomati, F., Post, E., Prins, H. H. T., Priscu, J. C., Provoost, P., Prudic, K. L., Pulliainen, E., Ramesh, B. R., Mendivil Ramos, O., Rassweiler, A., Rebelo, J. E., Reed, D. C., Reich, P. B., Remillard, S. M., Richardson, A. J., Richardson, J. P., Van Rijn, I., Rocha, R., Rivera-monroy, V. H., Rixen, C., Robinson, K. P., Ribeiro Rodrigues, R., De Cerqueira Rossa-feres, D., Rudstam, L., Ruhl, H., Ruz, C. S., Sampaio, E. M., Rybicki, N., Rypel, A., Sal, S., Salgado, B., Santos, F. A. M., Savassi-coutinho, A. P., Scanga, S., Schmidt, J., Schooley, R., Setiawan, F., Shao, K.-T., Shaver, G. R., Sherman, S., Sherry, T. W., Siciński, J., Sievers, C., Da Silva, A. C., Rodrigues Da Silva, F., Silveira, F. L., Slingsby, J., Smart, T., Snell, S. J., Soudzilovskaia, N. A., Souza, G. B. G., Maluf Souza, F., Castro Souza, V., Stallings, C. D., Stanforth, R., Stanley, E. H., Mauro Sterza, J., Stevens, M., Stuart-smith, R., Rondon Suarez, Y., Supp, S., Yoshio Tamashiro, J., Tarigan, S., Thiede, G. P., Thorn, S., Tolvanen, A., Teresa Zugliani Toniato, M., Totland, Ø., Twilley, R. R., Vaitkus, G., Valdivia, N., Vallejo, M. I., Valone, T. J., Van Colen, C., Vanaverbeke, J., Venturoli, F., Verheye, H. M., Vianna, M., Vieira, R. P., Vrška, T., Quang Vu, C., Van Vu, L., Waide, R. B., Waldock, C., Watts, D., Webb, S., Wesołowski, T., White, E. P., Widdicombe, C. E., Wilgers, D., Williams, R., Williams, S. B., Williamson, M., Willig, M. R., Willis, T. J., Wipf, S., Woods, K. D., Woehler, E. J., Zawada, K. & Zettler, M. L., 24 Jul 2018, In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. 27, 7, p. 760-786 27 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Individual variation in reproductive behaviour is linked to temporal heterogeneity in predation risk

    Barbosa, M., Deacon, A. E., Janeiro Silva, M. J., Ramnarine, I., Morrissey, M. B. & Magurran, A. E., 10 Jan 2018, In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 285, 1870, 9 p., 20171499.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Me against who? Male guppies adjust mating behaviour according to their rival’s presence and attractiveness

    Órfão, I., Barbosa, M., Ojanguren, A. F., Vicente, L., Varela, S. & Magurran, A. E., 22 Mar 2019, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Ethology. Early View, p. 1-10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Shifting the focus from species to individuals in invasion biology: individual differences in jumping behaviour

    Jessop, A., Morrissey, M. & Barbosa, M., 27 Apr 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Animal Behaviour. 212, p. 93-100 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Coral settlement and recruitment are negatively related to reef fish trait diversity

    Chow, C. F. Y., Bolton, C., Boutros, N., Brambilla, V., Fontoura, L., S Hoey, A., S Madin, J., Pizarro, O., Torres-Pulliza, D., M Woods, R., JA Zawada, K., Borges Da Costa Guint Barbosa, M. & Dornelas , M., 1 Apr 2023, In: Coral Reefs. 42, 2, p. 519-533 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access